Monday, June 28, 2010
Edna will always be fondly remembered by both residents and staff. One staff affectionaly nick-named her Freddie,and she would call them some other name,than their proper name. That was a standing joke. When I was not in my usual jovial mood,she could sense it when I would try to cover it up. She would pat the chair next to her...and I would not dare leave until my spriits were lifted. She would always have me smiling or laughing before we were through! Edna was the official greeter at the Lodge. I don't think she would let a child or dog go by without saying something. She attracted children and dogs like a magnet!I would tease her and say,"You know they love your cookies Edna!" Really,it was well known that she loved them.,and they her. She lived in the past,but also enjoyed when people would come over and give her news of the day. She was a ray of sunshine! When her health started to fail her,we prayed for her to be released from her pain. When the Lord called her home,we were content to know she was no longer in pain. We will always carry her in our hearts,and will be grateful when we meet her again in eternal life. Debbie Wilson