Thursday, October 27, 2011
My dear friend Mary would dismiss the notion that she was a pioneer but to me she represented strength of conviction, generosity of spirit and an unpretentious modesty. As a teacher and civil servant, she staked out her place, unapologetically, in an era dominated by the societal norm of the traditional family. She was the stalwart caregiver, first to her mother, and then to her sisters – the family always came first. Her wants and needs were few and to her, secondary. I will always remember the picture of Mary and her Model T – the thoroughly modern woman. But something that was foremost for Mary was her love of shopping for the latest fashions and boy could she wear them well. Her modesty dictated what she would be comfortable wearing but her sense of fashion determined that the she would not be left out in sporting the latest, albeit tasteful, trends. Whether going out for our regular dining and/or shopping escapades she always looked amazing. In the later years (80 years old plus) her biggest fashion disappointment was her inability to wear fashionable shoes. She so wanted to be able to wear “heels.” I will miss Mary’s wit and wisdom and our shopping and dining adventures. Cathy Hansen