Sunday, February 11, 2024
For most of my life Linda was the distant and somewhat exotic older cousin. Bits of information would filter down from our mothers' correspondence, and of course our lives moved off in very different directions.
Then in 2003 we met again for a family occasion, and I was introduced to the amazing partnership that was Henry and Linda. And over the years we met again and again--more than just exchangers of Christmas cards (with constantly changing addresses as they set off on yet another housing adventure.)
Their coming down to Belleville last fall, when I had taken the train from Nova Scotia to attend an old friend's son's wedding, meant another opportunity to reminisce about our parents--and for me to be amused again by observing in Linda some family behavioural quirks.
Her loss is hitting me hard, and my heart goes out to Henry and her children and grandchildren.
It's said that God gives us our relatives, but thank God for our friends!
In Linda I've been doubly blessed.